Officinae Bio is certified according to the highest international standards for the manufacture and distribution of DNA and reagents.
Officinae Bio is certified according to ISO 9001:2008 standards by TÜV AUSTRIA CERT with Certificate Registration No 20100151417875 issued for “Research, development and manufacturing of tools and reagents for synthetic biology”.
We pride ourselves in providing the first and only collection of lab-tested standard biological parts, called Biomodules. Each and every certified Biomodule is sequence-verified and in vivo tested for function before release.
Our lab tests are carried out under the most stringent ISO-9001 quality controls. Officinae Bio undergoes annual inspection audits and a re-certification audit every three years to demonstrate its compliance with the highest standard of quality.
This means that every time you use one of our certified Biomodule you are assured it will work as expected.